Fajã da Caldeira do Santo Cristo

Monte Brasil - Terceira PRC04 TER


Trail Info

This circular route thrives in Monte Brasil, a geosite formed by an ancient extinct volcano with origin in the sea and that later joined the city of Angra do Heroísmo, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO.

In Monte Brasil, we can find the Fortress of São João Baptista, built in the late 16th century, one of largest fortresses built by the Spanish Empire across the world.

Begin the trail near park of Relvão, going up towards the fortress and turning left after the arcade. Pass by the chapel of Santo António, built in 1615 and continue profiting the views over the Southeast part of the island, bay and city of Angra do Heroísmo.

The trail continues through the shortcut on the right that goes up to a picnic area, passing by Pico do Facho, place where there is a Signal Station. From here, the trail goes round the caldera, where the vegetation is mainly formed by endemic Azorean Heather (Erica azorica), passing by the ruins of the fort Forte da Quebrada, integrated in the defensive ensemble of São João Baptista Fortress.

Return to the main road, where the vegetation begins to give place to Australian Cheesewood (Pittosporum undulatum) and make a detour to your left, to a whale lookout and to an old station of World War II. Return by the same detour and proceed towards Pico das Cruzinhas, integrated in the Forest Reserve and Recreation Park of Monte Brasil, it is a privileged place to see the city of Angra do Heroísmo but also some birds and other animal nurseries, an old anti-aircraft warfare from World War II and the monument to the V Centenary Terceira island Settlement (1432-1932).

From here go down, passing by the Fortress until the park of Relvão, place where the trail ends


Trail Information

Category - Circular
Difficulty - Medium
Extension - 7.4 km
Time average - 2h30
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